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INSAF National Convention - "Shrinking Democratic Spaces and Rising Corporate Hegemony" (22 October, Bangalore)

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10.00 - 1.00: ​​
Welcome and Introduction
Session 1: Governance and political processes - the Corporate takeover
Prananjoy Guha Thakurta​ (editor, EPW),
Aakar Patel (Amnesty International)
Dr. Sandeep Pendse (writer & playwright, Bombay)
Moderator: Anil Chaudhary (Peoples Commission on Shrinking Democratic Spaces)
1.00 - 2.00: Lunch
2.00 - 4.30:
Session 2: Corporate Control and Media
Gauri Lankesh (editor, Lankesh Patrika, Bangalore),
Geeta Seshu (Journalist,Bombay), ​
Sukumar Murlidharan (journalist, New Delhi)
Moderator: Priya Pillai (Greenpeace, New Delhi)
5.00 - 7.00:
Session 2: Ways Forward: Resisting Corporatocracy, defending Democracy
Sunkanna Velpula (former HCU, presently IIT Mumbai),
Umar Khalid (JNUSU),
Zamir (HCU),
Pondicherry University Students Council*
Moderator: Ish Mishra (Delhi University)

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Indian Social Action Forum

INSAF is a national forum of over 700 movements and NGOs in India. Committed to RESIST globalisation COMBAT communalism & DEFEND democracy and strives to join efforts in creating an economically equitable, socially just and ecologically sustainable democratic society. (Account details for FCRA compliance in 'ABOUT US' link above or at

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