Index Labels



New Publication:
Licensed Larceny: Infrastructure financial extraction and the global south (December 2016)
by Nicholas Hildyard
(Sorry ---- only hard copy available at INSAF office)

Counter-terrorism, ‘policy laundering’ and the FATF: legalising surveillance, regulating civil society (August 2014)
Reprint of TNI & Statewatch report by Ben Hayes  
A lack of democratic control, oversight and accountability of the FATF has allowed for regulations that circumvent concerns about human rights, proportionality and effectiveness.

FRACKING: the new global water crisis (September 2013)
This report by Food & Water Watch reviews the risks and costs of shale development that have been demonstrated in the United States, including economic costs that run counter to industry-backed claims about the economic benefits of the practice. And the report then summarizes the state of shale development in six selected countries: France, Bulgaria, Poland, South Africa, China and Argentina.


India's role in the new global farmland grab
by Rick Rowden
This report provides a detailed examination of the role of the Indian government and Indian companies engaged in overseas agricultural land acquisitions in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Indian Oligarchs (Outing the Oligarchy: Billionaires who benefit from today's climate crisis) by Dr. Vandana Shiva
India richening billionaires is wrongly hailed as the rise of India as Emerging global economic power. This booklet by eminent writer and activist Vandana Shiva traces the loot and plunder of natural resources during the era of neoliberal growth since the 1990s when crucial economic sectors such as power, telecommunications, infrastructure, mining and banking, including manufacturing sectors like iron, steel and ship building were opened up for private business ownership. All traditionally common property resources, public goods and services including water, electricity, telecommunications, health and education were steadily enclosed and privatised.

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Durban Debacle: Climate out Capitalism in!
Compilation of articles on climate politics and negotiations.

PeaceCounts: Exhibition of peace-builders around the world

A note on AFSPA & Irom Sharmila's struggle for Justice
by Asit

Courting Nuclear Disasters in Maharashtra 
Why Jaitapur project must be scrapped? Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace January 2011

UID: tracking, profiling and surveillance of citizens 
Campaign for NO UID 15th August 2010

READ/DOWNLOAD           English    Hindi

UID: Appeal to Members of Parliament
Campaign for NO UID 15th August 2010

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Water Laws in South Asia 
Water laws in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal by Water & Democracy Initiative. Researcher - Ms. Rakhi Sehgal

A Sweet Poison 
Saga of displacing & pauperising people in Jharkhand by Dayamani Barla

Seedling (Climate Special) - Hindi 

Republished from the  co-production of Jobs with Justice and the Institute for Policy Studies–Program on Inequality and the Common Good.

Independent People's Tribunal On Development, Displacement & Repression 
IN JHARKHAND Today (February 2009)

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Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: false climate solutions (2009)  


SEEDLING: Extract on Indian Agrofuels (2008)
Responding enthusiastically to the world agrofuel frenzy, the Indian government has promised a flurry of initiatives to encourage the largescale planting of agrofuel crops, particularly jatropha. Without waiting for the government support to be spelt out, corporations are already moving in, taking over resources that have traditionally been used by rural communities. As aresult, local people will find it harder to satisfy their food and fuel needs.Once again, it is the rural poor who will bear the cost of the agrofuel boom, while reaping few of the benefits.  

Based on the Report of the People’s Tribunal on Nandigram 26–28 May 2007

Indian Repressive Laws 
Background Information on Repressive Laws in India - 2007

Achievements, Struggles and Visions from Around the World by TNI/CEO   

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Water Privatization in the Asia-Pacific Region (2007)
by Jubilee South - Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development 
READ/DOWNLOAD   English Hindi

License to kill: armed forces (special powers) act (2005)
A human rights perspective on agriculture trade and the WTO

Fact Finding on Peoples Resistance to the Utkal Alumina International Limited (UAIL), Kashipur, Rayagada, Southern Orissa(2005)

DELHI'S WATER: in the grip of multinationals (2004)
Wealth from Water: the commercial allure of water and the midas touch of global capital 

MARAD - investigation in Kerala (Nov.2003)
How the RSS works in kerala.....its not gujarat alone going into the fascist trap

GATS: a primer for activists (2002)

Gujarat Earthquake (2001)
..........lessons from the quake: Indian Peoples' Tribunal report.

Perspective of INSAF     
Need Of The Hour:  Unity Of Democratic And Secular Forces